Tuesday, March 3, 2009

_ThoUGHts oF mE_

i thoUght Love waS jUst a faNtasy,.

cREAted bY a pLayfuL miND.,.

a pRojeCtioN oF wHAT yOu feEL inSide,.,

i ThOUGHT lOVE WAs JusT aN iNFAtuAtion,.

a TRain tHAt woULd nOt sTOP aT mY sTatiON.,.

i tHOught it wiLL neVER coME to mE,

anD be tRApped bY my seLf aND be lOneLy,.,

nOt uNtiL wHEN he fOUnd mE,.

i rEALized tHAT evErythinG woULd coME inTO reALity..

i tHOugHT thaT it woULd LAst foREver,.,

a dREAm That WouLDNT End,

aND a swEEt stOry wiTH

a Life Lived hAppiLY evER afTER.,

neVEr hAD i iMAGined tHAT evERything

woULd vaNish aNd rEALiziNG thaT

eVErythiNG was jUst a THOUGHTS of me.,.





chAR2x LAng gUD.,.


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